Friday, February 28, 2014

february love

i've been gone a month.
i went on vacation for 10 days to florida.
when i was there, i took over 2000 pictures. 
i waited until i came home to edit them.  
but when i got home, i also wanted to shoot each day. 
this winter has been cold and snowy but one of the most beautiful i can ever remember...
so as a result, i was buried under thousands more images. 
it's been a wonderful time, but i am overwhelmed with it all.  in a good way...

here is a few of the moments i love from my lovely month of February...
snowy owl on cape cod

snow storm, west yarmouth

a touch of spring while it snows outside...

a young bald eagle at the connecticut river

i can see her soul there in her you see it too??
Mallory Square sunset...

the sign says no doesn't say anything about a running jump :)

worn and weathered...

island colors ...

walking the streets of key west...

more key west streets

mellow yellow...

on the beach!  EGRET.   ON. THE. BEACH.  i love this place...

making hats, seaside...

blue eyed pelican

street entertainer...i kept giving him money.  he juggled fire.  on his face.  and took his shirt off.  this guy was amazing  :)

pink beauty!

heart to heart...

i love photography. 
not only was i there, seeing a snowy owl,
a eagle child, an egret on the beach, a pair of flamingos,
i am reliving it as i go through my pictures. 
my ability to appreciate a moment increases dramatically when i snap a photo,
and then again when i edit an image and see it come to life.
and when i share it, or just look at it by myself,
i feel that thrill again and again....

i am living a good life, a very good life indeed :)

more images from the wonderful month of february...